At the upper room Jesus said to them: “Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.’ And He took the broiled fish and ate in their presence.
These incidents would make us wonder just what kind of a body did Jesus have after His Resurrection? Was Jesus’ body that of a ghost, an angel or that of a man? Am no doctor of Divinity not even close to be called a good Christian but I could crack the nut by simple intelligence. Why the Disciples and Mary Magdalene, did not recognize Jesus at once despite their long years of association is due to sorrow, regret, and fear. While Peter disowned Him, the majority left Jesus all alone to suffer and die.
Jesus is the God who became Man at the moment of the Annunciation and is the God-Man after His victory over death. He suffered as a Man, resurrected as a God, two Natures working as One. He had both Natures all along at the moment of being gone and at the point of return, otherwise, He could not have died as believed nor came back with an angelized body as what resurrected bodies are.
On the road to Emmaus, it was the human Jesus who manifested and walked with the disciples or else the disciples would have exhibited fear and immediately fell aground as did Moses before the consuming Presence of God in a bush. It was the man-Jesus who broke the bread and the Divine made Jesus disappear outright before their eyes. It was the man-Jesus who talked to Mary Magdalene, masticated the broiled fish, and conversed with them on Ascension Day. But it was the God-Jesus they saw up the clouds.
This shifting of natures is not new to Jesus at all. He has done this once in the presence of John-Peter-James. Jesus had to shift to Divine nature (Transfigure) to level up with the superior natures of Moses and Elias. He has to become a God to be able to meet and chat with them and "to sit with the Father" forever as the "Begotten Son of God."
This shifting of natures is not new to Jesus at all. He has done this once in the presence of John-Peter-James. Jesus had to shift to Divine nature (Transfigure) to level up with the superior natures of Moses and Elias. He has to become a God to be able to meet and chat with them and "to sit with the Father" forever as the "Begotten Son of God."
This is my answer to those who say that Jesus did not die on the Cross, was resuscitated and returned as a Man; lifted up by the Power of God, is coming to restore His Gospel, fight the Anti-Christ, bring Peace to the Nations, marry, die and line up for judgment in the end of Days.
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